Featured Area
A custom home page featured area to showcase your work or products with style, all powered by jQuery.
Woo Themes Inspire Custom Homepage
Custom home page layout with Mini-features area, and option to insert any page above/below mini-features area.
Woo Themes Inspire Portfolio Page Template
An optional integrated portfolio section to show off your work, which utilizies jQuery prettyPhoto script for added effect.
Custom Post Types
Woo Themes Inspire takes full advantage of the new custom post types functionality than came with WordPress 3.0, so adding slides, mini-features and portfolio posts is dead easy!
Custom Widgets
Custom Woo Themes Inspire Widgets for use in the sidebar and in the widgetized footer: Flickr, Ads Widget, Search, News, Tabs, Feedback, Blog Author Info and Twitter.
Alternative Styles
10 alternate background to choose from plus options to set your own background color, add background image and set link color. Also includes new Google Font replacement using Droid font with Woo Themes Inspire !
Not sure how Woo Themes Inspire theme will work? Why not head over to our Playground and give it a test drive before making up your mind.
You can find detailed installation and setup instructions for Woo Themes Inspire on support page. Woo Themes Inspire don’t require any plugins, but here are some recommended plugins that will work with our themes. These features are just as special as the one’s above, but you’ll find these standard within most of our wide range of themes:
Making simple changes without editing code, like adding your own logo, changing to an alternate color style, adding Google Analytics code, couldn’t be easier with our WordPress backend theme option’s panel.Woo Themes Inspire is CROSS-BROWSER COMPATIBLE
We’ve tested Woo Themes Inspire theme to ensure they are compatible with all the modern web browsers like Firefox, Safari, Chrome and Internet Explorer. They should also all be web standards compliant.Woo Themes Inspire is AUTO-SIZING THUMBNAILS
An image re-sizer script built into the Woo framework automatically scales your post images for pixel perfect display in Woo Themes Inspire templates. No need to upload new cropped images when re-designing your website.LOCALIZED FOR TRANSLATIONS
Woo Themes Inspire come packaged with a language file for easy WordPress theme translations into your desired language – editing one neat little file without hunting down text in all our theme templates.Woo Themes Inspire FRAMEWORK
Woo Themes Inspire are built on the same WooThemes framework – modifications through Woo Themes Inspire options panel are a breeze, and all is neatly coded for search engine readiness and further theme development.CUSTOM PAGE TEMPLATES
Woo Themes Inspire come packaged with a full width page template without the sidebar, and site map/archives page templates for efficient quick links to all the hidden posts you wrote ages ago that still deserve to be seen.Download Woo Themes Inspire
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