Templatic Appointment theme is for Lawyers, Doctors, Consultants, Web Developers, Business Professionals and anyone wanting to create a full fledged site that enables them to take appointments from their clients
Out of the box – Auto Install
Gone are the days when you had to setup every section of the site step by step in WordPress. With Templatic Appointment theme, you simply activate the theme and voila, you can start adding news, description, images, widgets, blog posts, pages and every element is set out of the box. The Templatic Appointment theme adds these dummy element for you so you can easily locate them and edit as per your wish (or delete everything with single click if you wish).
Strategic design of the homepage
The homepage of Templatic Appointment theme is customizable via dynamic widgets which are built specially for this theme. Designed strategically, the structure of the page is done in such a way that gives maximum exposure to essential elements.
Book an Appointment
Templatic Appointment theme comes with a complete appointments module, through which the Admin can manage appointments and site visitors can book an appointment online, and even pay for the appointment. Now this is what you call booking appointments online – the easy and no hassles way.
Separate taxonomy for slider and work
listing Your slider posts and work listing, where you can list out your services and work, both are kept separately. Thanks to WordPress’s custom taxonomy feature. Templatic have made the process as easy and simple as possible in Templatic Apoointment . In the slider, you can also add videos and images, align it right or left, everything’s possible.
Add new Custom Fields
The builtin interface helps you easily to add new custom fields for the Appointment form. Templatic know the requirements differ. Therefore the new custom field interface. Admin can easily add, edit or remove the custom fields like select box, check box, radio button, date picker, etc in Templatic Appointment.
Built in Payment Gateway
Templatic have integrated Paypal in Templatic Appointment theme, so that the admin can accept payments. Users can also easily book an appointment online, and then complete the easy to follow payment procedure. To configure Paypal, all you need to do is to enter your Paypal Email address, isn’t this the easiest way to configure the payment gateway.
News/services Blog
Templatic didn’t forget the regular Blog section. You can have a full fledged Blog on your site, and its too easy to setup this section. Provide any news, announcement or simply list out your services, so that there can be a place in your site, where interaction is possible with Templatic Appointment Premium WordPress theme.
Design Settings
Design settings are integrated in Templatic Appointment theme. Now you can control various elements of the theme through Design panel. Change font color, link color, body background color, and many more settings, without even touching the code
Integrated Shortcodes
You can use 30 different shortcodes, anywhere in Templatic Appointment Theme. The beauty of shortcodes is that they can be used anywhere. They are built in, if you want to use then just type in that particular code and voila, your job is done !
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